Detection tubes

A series of tubes covering most of the well-known major chemical warfare agents and the most widespread pollutants produced by industrial activity.

They are compatible with all common, available scraper devices available on the market.


CWA Detection Tubes

TIC Detection Tubes

Simulation Tubes

Sorptive Tubes

Fume Tubes

Code Description Marking Sensitivity mg/m3
DT-11 Nerve Agents GB, GD, VX, GA, GF, GP 3 red stripes 0,05
DT-12 Phosgene, Diphosgene, Chlorocyanide, Hydrogen Cyanide CG, CK, AC 2 green stripes 5
DT-12.1 Phosgene, Diphosgene, Chlorocyanide, Hydrogen Cyanide CG, CK, AC 3 green stripes 5
DT-13 Mustard, Nitrogen Mustard H, HD, HN 1 yellow stripe 1
DT-14.1 Lewisit L 1 yellow stripe, 1 yellow dot 1
DT-15 Sulphur Mustard H, HD 2 yellow stripes 3
DT-16 Nitrogen Mustard HN 3 yellow stripes 1
DT-17 Hydrogen Cyanide AC, Chlorocyanide CK 1 blue stripe 0,5
DT-20 Agent BZ 1 white stripe 1
DT-21 Agent CN 2 white stripes 0,5
DT-22 Agent CS 3 white stripes 1
DT-23 Chlorocyanide CK 2 blue stripes 0,5
DT-24 Hydrogen Cyanide AC 2 blue stripes, 1 blue dot 10
DT-26 Adamsite 2 white stripes, 1 dot 3
DT-27 Agent CR 2 white stripes, 2 dots 0,1
Code Description Marking Sensitivity mg/m3
DT-001 Phosgene DT-001 COCl2 0,5
DT-002 Hydrogen Cyanide, Cyanogen Chloride DT-002 HCN 3
DT-003 Chlorine DT-003 Cl2 3
DT-004 Natrium Oxides DT-004 NOx 2
DT-005 Sulphur Dioxide DT-005 SO2 5
DT-006 Sulphide DT-006 H2S 5
DT-007 Carbon Disulphide DT-007 CS2 20
DT-008 Ammonia DT-008 NH3 50
DT-009 Hydrogen Chloride DT-009 HCl 10
DT-010 Formaldehyde DT-010 HCHO 0,5
DT-011 Carbon Monoxide DT-011 CO 30
Code Description Marking
ST-11 Simulation tube ST 11 (G, V) 1 black, 1 red
ST-121 Simulation tube ST 121 (CARBONYL CHLORIDE) 1 green, 1 black spot
ST-122 Simulation tube ST 122 (CYANOGEN CHLORIDE) 1 green, 2 black spots
ST-123 Simulation tube ST 123 (HYDROGEN CYANIDE) 1 green, 3 black spots
ST-13 Simulation tube ST 13 (SULFUR MUSTARD) 1 black, 1 yellow
ST-14 Simulation tube ST 14 (LEWISITE) 1 black, 1 yellow + spot
ST-15 Simulation tube ST 15 (SULFURD MUSTARD HD) Yellow tip
Code Description Marking
SORP 1 Sorptive tube SORP 1 (SILICA GEL)
SORP 3 Sorptive tube SORP 3 (AMBERLITE XAD-2)
Code Description Marking
FT 1010 Fume tube (for air flow detection)
FT 1014 Fume tube (for protection mask fit testing)